Updates from our Ÿnfarm!

The works continue at our Ÿnfarm!

We have now set up the stacker cranes in the breeding unit, which constitute the vertical nature of our farm, supporting the thousands of trays providing homes to our mealworms.

The FARMŸNG project indeed, has the ultimate objective to demonstrate a large-scale, first-of-its-kind bio-based value chain producing sustainable, safe and premium feed products from an innovative origin: the Tenebrio molitor insect (mealworm). The Ÿnfarm plant developed for FARMŸNG, thus, will exploit the physiological capabilities of mealworms physiology to efficiently convert vegetal by-products in mealworm biomass and will transform those mealworms into sustainable proteins and lipids for fish feed and pet food end markets. In parallel, manure will be recovered for soil fertilization applications.  Ÿnfarm is set to be the world’s largest vertical farm: a unique complex covering an area of some 45,000 m² and 36 metres high, built to breed beetles, and with a built-in, fully automated food processing unit.

And we aren’t the only ones proud of our progress; French Minister of the Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili recently described Ÿnfarm as “an example of reindustrialization and job creation made possible by transitioning to environmentally-friendly policies”.

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

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