FlAgship demonstration of industrial scale production of nutrient Resources from Mealworms to develop a bioeconomY New Generation

The project, funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 Public-Private Partnership Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (topic BBI.2018.F2 – Large-scale production of proteins for food and feed applications from alternative, sustainable sources) aims to establish the largest global fully-automated flagship industrial plant to produce premium proteins from insects (Tenebrio Molitor) for animal nutrition.





Newsletter n. 9 available now!

FARMŸNG consortium is glad to share the 9th project newsletter with you! This issue summarizes the first months of 2024 (from January to May), which were rich in challenges and accomplishments. The most significant milestone for all the project partners is the first deliveries of Frass, an insect-based fertilizer, which have been regularly delivered to the [...]


Recap of FARMŸNG’s presence at BIOKET

We’re thrilled to share the success of our participation in the recent BIOKET Bioeconomy Key Enabling Technologies platform Conference held in Reims from March 19th to 21st! With more than 500 participants, it was an incredible opportunity to showcase the project’s innovative solutions in sustainable agriculture. The FARMŸNG project was featured at the Circular Bio-based [...]


FARMŸNG project @ BIOKET 2024

FARMŸNG project will be showcased next week at BIOKET 2024 which will take place from 19th to 21st March in Reims, France. BIOKET is an annual international conference dedicated to Key Enabling Technologies and Innovations applied to biomass valorization to produce high added value products in the most diverse sectors of the economy. It is [...]


The timelaps of the construction of ŸnFarm

The culmination of the construction of ŸnFarm, at the heart of the FARMŸNG project. Relive, through this video, the stages of the construction of ŸnFarm, the vertical farm where the production of premium proteins from mealworms is about to revolutionize both animal and plant-based nutrition. Video credit: Rights reserved to Ÿnsect.


The FARMŸNG Consortium comprises 19> partners from 8 countries with strong multidisciplinary competences required for carrying out the work plan and match project objectives.